Sunday 8 July 2007

Spur of the moment

I'd planned to spend my day off today in front of the TV watching Live Earth, but by midday I was tired of the constant interruptions (both for commercials and the equally repetitive "feature videos") and Al Gore worshipping. Listening to Melissa Etheridge introduce Gore as though he was the messiah was the last straw. I decided it was time to go for a walk.

I quickly mapped out a route in my head that would have taken me to town and back via Riccarton. But instead, I headed in the opposite direction, up Memory Hill to the Sign of the Takahe and then on to the Sign of The Kiwi.

It was bitterly cold this morning but fine when I left, so I was unsure as to whether I should wear my cowboy hat to keep off the sun or my woolen beanie to keep out the cold. In the end I wore the beanie and put the cowboy hat in my bag, which turned out to be a smart move as by the time I was half way up Hackthorne Road I was warm enough to discard both the beanie and the gloves I'd popped on before setting off.

Being a Sunday, walkers, joggers and cyclists were out in force. I lost count of how many verbal greetings I exchanged on the way up. On the way down I started avoiding eye contact with other walkers and imagined I was on the Nakasendo. Maybe the altitude was getting to me.

Distance walked today: 16.2km
Total distance walked since blog began: 214.2km
Maximum altitude reached: 365m
Days left until launch of Kisokaido Project: 105

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