Monday 16 July 2007

Recovery and relief

My thighs and calves were still a bit sore today from Saturday's hike, but to my great relief the toe and groin came through the ordeal completely unscathed. I wish I could say the same for my shoes. Despite my best cleaning efforts, they're still rather muddy.

I walked down to the supermarket this afternoon, and along the way I glanced up at the Port Hills and felt quite a sense of accomplishment as I realized how far I'd actually walked. I may have given the impression in Saturday's post that I didn't enjoy myself, but it was in many a respects a very satisfying day. I packed some lunch and a flask of coffee which I enjoyed perched on a rocky outcrop with a magnificent panoramic view of the city. Later on, just before my rather hectic decent down Worsleys Track, I caught a glimpse of Lake Ellesmere to the south. I've decided to stick to the flat for the time being as I try to build up my stamina, but no doubt I'll be back up on the hills before too long.

Yesterday I took a day off from walking. I finished folding the Nakasendo walking map and confirmed another booking on the accommodation list. That brings the total to eleven confirmed so far, with another eleven remaining. Some of these don't accept bookings this far in advance, while others (mostly small inns in out-of-way locations) don't have email and will require a phone call.

Distance walked today: 3km
Total distance walked since blog began: 252.7km
Days left until launch of Kisokaido Project: 97

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