Tuesday 11 September 2007

Second helpings

After two and a half days of shuffling around inside in stockinged feet to protect my blistered heels, it was with a mixture of trepidation and anticipation that I gingerly stepped into my New Balance 748s and headed down to the supermarket this afternoon. In the end, any fears I had of collapsing in a sprawling heap outside the gate proved unfounded, and I made it there and back safely with only a slight feeling of discomfort in my right foot. In fact I felt so good that I turned around and competed the same journey again, making a total of 6km for the day, and leaving me just 600m short of the magical 600km mark.

Despite the unfortunate outcome, I really enjoyed Saturday's walk (apart from the last couple of kilometers, that is), and intend to repeat it this weekend in my New Balance 748s. Any of those scones left, Stephanie?

Distance walked today: 6km
Total distance walked since blog began: 599.4km
Days left until launch of Kisokaido Project: 42

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They're best fresh from the oven. I'll make you another batch!