Sunday 2 September 2007

Fathers' Day stroll

Yesterday's walk left me with a couple of blisters on the balls of my feet, so this morning I slapped on some Scholl Blister Clear Gel Plasters before heading off to my sister's for a Fathers' Day lunch. Also, I left my new Rockports at home and instead wore my trusty old New Balance 748s. In the end, the blisters didn't bother me at all. Hopefully if I continue swapping between the New Balances and Rockports my feet will get used to the latter and blisters won't be a problem in the future.

The days are definitely getting warmer. I'm going to have to be more and more careful about keeping the sun off my face and neck. The mornings are still a bit chilly though, so I'm getting used to stopping after half an hour or so and removing a layer of clothing, which is a bit of a pain when you've got a backpack on.

Distance walked today: 12.4km
Total distance walked since blog began: 556km
Days left until launch of Kisokaido Project: 51

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