Saturday 15 September 2007

Same route, different outcome

Today I repeated last Saturday's walk, which took me up and along the Port Hills, down the Rapaki Track, and home via Stephanie's house, where I once again stopped for scones. But apart from the route (and the scone break), things were quite different this time.

For a start there were none of the stunning views of last Saturday. Today was overcast, and once on the hills I spent quite a bit of time in the clouds. It was actually quite pleasant. The tussock and rolling misty clouds created quite an eerie atmosphere, like something out of The Lord of the Rings.

But the most important difference was that I had none of the discomfort of last week. I ditched the Rockports and wore my New balance 748s - with two pairs of socks just to be on the safe side - and I'm pleased to report my heels came through completely unscathed. I did end up with a small blister on the ball of my left foot, but it's not painful and I can't see it getting in the way of my training at all.

Distance walked today: 25.4km
Total distance walked since blog began: 627.8km
Days left until launch of Kisokaido Project: 38

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