Tuesday 21 August 2007

A weight off the shoulders

Still a bit concerned about my ability to carry a heavy load (i.e. full backpack) over a long distance (i.e. 530km) in a relatively short space of time (i.e. 21 days), today I sorted out what clothes I think I'll be taking based on the list on the wiki, stuffed them together with a few other items (shaver, iPod, etc.) into my Osprey Aether 60, and weighed it.

To my surprise, it barely came to 9kg. Here was me thinking I'd be struggling to keep the total under 15kg, but it looks as though 10kg will be closer to the mark. That's actually less than what I carried up the hill on Saturday. So I'm on track. I reckon I just need to do a bit more training with that same load, including some 35km-plus walks, and I'll be ready. I must admit a few doubts have crept into my mind over the last couple of weeks, but my confidence is returning.

Distance walked today: 3km
Distance walked yesterday: 7.2km
Total distance walked since blog began: 489km
Days left until launch of Kisokaido Project: 63

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