Thursday 9 August 2007

Still excited about tasks

Booked another hotel this morning. Was thinking it's about time I loaded up my pack (which has been sitting in a corner of my study largely untouched since the day I bought it) with the things I'll be taking and weighed it, and also about time I did some training with it on. Maybe this weekend.

Erik has come up with some nice ideas for tasks, one involving collaging.

Distance walked today: 6.1km
Total distance walked since blog began: 425.1km
Days left until launch of Kisokaido Project: 73


Erik said...

something tells me it's really only the two of us who care what we do on this trek. which works out well, actually, since we're the ones who are going to do it. at first i thought sixty-nine things might be a bit overwhelming, but the more i think about it, the more interesting it is. we'll be really "mindful" (a very sort of in-vogue word/concept) of some basic things, each day - what about adding some categories where we do a similar task with variations? like, take a picture of a tree, take a picture of a cloud - so, a series of pictures each day - we could get the subjects from hiroshige's prints. take a picture of someone carrying something, take a picture of a bridge...

Walking fool said...

Good idea. What say we each take pictures of those things (elements from Hiroshige's prints), then use them to make separate Hiroshige-inspired collages (also using those found images you mentioned), maybe after we get back home, then compare the results?

Erik said...

yeah, or combine them (digitally or physically), so it's one result - i'd be all over that