Thursday 26 May 2011

Kunzru on Herzog and Haneke

In two separate pieces for the Guardian (one a couple of years old), one of my favourite novelists, Hari Kunzru, assesses the films of two of my favourite directors: Werner Herzog and Michael Haneke. Enjoy!


walkingtokaido said...

I like to think of myself as knowing a thing or two about film, but you've toss thing three at me here. Herzog's work is very familiar her, but I've never heard of Haneke before. That taste from The Guardian has me running to Netflix to see what I can add to my queue.

Walking fool said...

I've mentioned Haneke's "Hidden" (aka "Caché") a few times on this blog. Try clicking on "Michael Haneke" under the list of labels at left. I also enjoyed "Code Unknown", but not so much the US remake of "Funny Games" (haven't seen the original version).